Wednesday, August 1, 2007

The Results are In...

We got the results of Mom's tortuous CAT Scan and X-rays today. The good news is there are no broken bones, and there doesn't seem to be any more damage from the myeloma. There is, however, some arthritis like activity happening in in her neck and shoulders. They are planning on giving her some steroids when she gets her third dose of chemo on Friday. We are praying that it gives her some relief.

Also, we learned that the proteins in her blood that are caused by the myeloma are decreasing. This is great news. It tells us that with just two doses of chemo, the myeloma cells are being killed off. They just don't stand a chance against our weapons of warfare... Prayer and Medicine.

Tomorrow she will have a little physical therapy. I'm not sure how much she is looking forward to that but she is a trooper and I'm very proud of her.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Mel: Thanks for setting up this blog. I know we will see God's healing and love on this site. Our God is a god of miracles--Mike