Saturday, September 11, 2010

The post that has been 2 years in the making....

I thought that some of you might like to know what's been going on these past two years since my last post. The answer is nothing. Absolute blissful, sweet nothingness. Oh, mom has continued getting Zometa, the medication that is making her bones stronger, and she goes regularly for check ups but every report has been better than the last.

Blood Tests - Normal
Full Body X-rays - Normal
Back to Shopping, Cooking and Generally Spoiling her Grandkids - Normal

That's not to say that everything is back to normal. I don't think anyone in the family will ever go back to the normal that was before the diagnosis. There is a new appreciation for God's grace and mercy that you don't acquire unless you go through difficult circumstances.

Job said it best. " My ears had heard of you, but now my eyes have seen you." (Job 42:5)

It is easy to speak of God's love and compassion, but to speak of it after you have gone through the kind of fire where you have to rely solely on Him, is more difficult.. mainly due to the lump in your throat. Times like these draw us closer to God, and we know Him more intimately and learn His voice and His ways. After you have seen God this way, things can never be the same, nor would we ever want them to be.

The change is subtle on the outside, but noticeable none the less... especially, it seems, by children.

On two different occasions, after Mom's hair had grown back in, two different little girls asked Mom what had happened to her hair. These little girls had never seen Mom before and even if they had, her hair had grown into the same short cut she always wore before her chemo, yet they saw something had changed about her. Something had. God had leaned in really close and kissed her. And you can't hide God's kisses.


Anonymous said...

Sweets, you are my pride! I love your way of encouraging us to walk through the fire, and be HAPPY about it!

Joyce said...

As only you, her only daughter and her baby, could put it . . . beautiful, beautiful, beautiful! God is so GOOD!

Thank you, Melanie, for this loving tribute to your Mom; it helped us all through this trying time,

Aunt Joyce

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the update. I have been wondering. :-) ~Kim B.