Wednesday, July 9, 2008

And now for something completely different

Another update, but this time the update is on Dad.

He had surgery today to repair a hernia. Mark is with him, while Mike and I are home with Mom. She is feeling better, but probably not up to waiting in a waiting room.. but then does any one feel up to waiting in a waiting room.

Dad is now out of surgery and in recovery. He did very well.. and apparently so did the surgeon. Not only did he repair daddy's hernia, but he also discovered a stranded gall stone, hanging around long after daddy's gall bladder removal years ago.

The gall stone was removed, the hernia was repaired, and all is well. Thanks for you prayers.

Edited to let everyone know that daddy is home and resting comfortably.. ok, comfortably might be a bit of a stretch.. but he is as comfortable as one could be after surgery.

Also stay tuned for updates on my mom.. her 100th day (from the stem cell transplant) is coming up next week. We will celebrate with x-rays and a bone marrow biopsy. I'll give all the details very soon!

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