Friday, May 16, 2008

Flashback Friday

Just checking in with this flashback, circa.... well, I'm not sure of the date but considering that I'm exposing my belly button in this photo, we can be well assured it was long, long, long ago. This picture shows the family working in the yard which makes me think of two things... First, I dont' recall ever working in the yard. I'm fairly sure Mom and Dad worked in the yard. Mark and Mike were probably coerced into helping but not without whining and moaning. And I am fairly certain that I merely flitted and danced about practicing cartwheels and such. (To get a better look just click on the picture. It will allow you to see it in all it's vivid 70's detail.. on second thought, maybe you don't want to click on it.)

But this yardwork image also reminds me of just how difficult it is to watch grass grow. And according to Mom's doctor, that is what we are doing right now... watching and waiting and waiting and watching while grass grows. Let me explain. Mom came home from the hospital several days ago, and we were looking forward to her feeling better and stronger everyday. It hasn't really happened that way. She is pretty much as week and fatigued as when she left the hospital. And the chemo really did a number on her tastebuds this time and absolutely nothing tastes good to her. She's just really not been feeling well.

She has been going back to see the doctor twice a week. Everything is going according to plan and she is getting better, but it's just as a pace that is something like "watching grass grow".

But here's the thing about grass growing... You may not be able to actually see it grow, but it does, and my front lawn is sprouting with proof right now. When you look at the picture above, although you might be able to actually watch Mark's hair grow, the grass is still a bit, ummm.. still. But I'm sure it wasn't longafter this picture was taken, before Daddy started up the mower, Mom put on her head scarf, the boys started complaining and I began skipping. Because even though you can't see it.. it does grow, and it grows and it grows.

And just like that grass, Mom IS getting better everyday. We may not see it yet, but it's happening.. and just like a beautiful batch of bermuda on a dewy morning, mom will soon find her energy and her strength. And then maybe she will even feel like mowing the lawn.

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