Wednesday, February 13, 2008

The stem cells are coming!

They started harvesting stem cells about 7:00 AM and finished about 2 PM so it was quite a day. Unfortunately, we aren't through yet. Apparently they only got about half of what they need so they will harvest more tomorrow. They said this might happen and it is nothing to be alarmed about... Dad says they plan to start early tomorrow and be done by noon. Then maybe, just maybe, with enough prayer and enough stem cells, mom will be sleeping in her bed tomorrow night.

She is no longer connected to any IV's and she is completely free from C. Diff or any other infection. She has essentially completed this phase of the transplant.

Thank you so much for all your prayers during this time. Don't stop yet though. Mom has about a month to recover and then she starts phase 2..

I'll continue to keep everyone updated. I'll definately let you know how tomorrow goes!

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