Monday, November 14, 2011


Today Mom and Dad will celebrate their anniversary in the doctor's office, as Mom receives chemotherapy.

I realize I have not updated lately, and I have no excuse, other than wanting to write wonderful news and waiting until we had some.

Unfortunately, the world doesn't seem to want to give us wonderful news.

We have been told that this tumor is inoperable because it exists in both lobes of the liver.
We have been told that Mom is not a candidate for a liver transplant.
And we have been told that without these options cure is uncommon.

So now, we treat. We treat with a chemotherapy that mom started last week. It was promising at first. The afternoon after receiving her first dose, she felt fine. The next day, she even thought she felt better than fine. Then on the third day she felt awful. By the 5th day, the tummy troubles were gone, but the weakness remained. And today she starts all over again.

She had a little complication this week that is common when you have a sick liver. Her abdomen filled with fluid which had to be drained. The doctor mentioned that this would make her weak, and she was already dealing with weakness from chemo, so we are praying that her weakness will not be as severe this time. I am also hoping that now that the doctor's know how she is reacting to the chemo, they can adjust the medications they give her to counter the side effects.

I hate this. I have to fight the urge to yell at God about fairness. She's been hit once before with this.. So had Daddy. Why a third cancer!?

And you know, God is just fine with my grumblings about His fairness doctrine.. because He always has an answer for me. He reminds me in his oh so gentle way that what is fair to Him is something I won't be able to comprehend until I'm sitting face to face, basking in His glory. I will ask Him why, and only then will I be able to understand. (Between you and me, I will probably follow up with a question about the duck billed platypus and what WAS He thinking there... but that question doesn't seem as weighty right now.)

Joni Eareckson Tada, who was paralyzed in a diving accident said this.. "God sometimes permits what He hates, to accomplish what He loves."

In the Bible, God permitted Joseph to be sold into slavery by his very own brothers, to be thrown into prison by the false accusations of powerful woman, and ultimately to be promoted to second in command of Egypt, where he was able to save nations!

In the same way, I believe that what has been permitted in my Mom's life, will serve a greater purpose. And we are seeing hints of that...

Mom and Dad have touched many people as they travel this road. The Bible says that God is with the brokenhearted and God is certainly with Mom and Dad. So much that it is noticeable. It is palpable. Doctors comment on it. Nurses comment on it. People commit to working on making their marriage stronger after spending minutes with my Mom and Dad. Cold hearts melt, and tears fall and people see God after visiting with Mom and Dad. They are changing lives as they are being used by God.

No, the world doesn't have much wonderful news to offer right now, BUT God can turn things around. He can contradict what the world says. He is Wonderful News.

In the Gospels, Jairus had heard of Jesus and had come to Him seeking healing for his daughter who was at home dying. I can only imagine his desperation as he forced his way through the crowd to reach Jesus. I can imagine his excitement as Jesus heard him and agreed and return home with him. And I can also sense his disappointment as Jesus stopped because someone had touched the hem of His garment. Can you see Jairus trying to hurry Jesus along as He is ministering to the woman with the issue of blood? He had the Master in his grasp.. he was heading to his daughter and now they were stopped. This isn't fair.. Jairus had him first. How does one respectfully tell Jesus to hurry! And then suddenly, all hope was lost. Members of his household came to him and told him it was too late. Leave the Teacher alone. The world had just give Jairus the worst news of all.

BUT, Jesus overhead all this and His news contradicted all that the world was offering to Jairus.

Luke 8:50
...Don't be afraid, just believe. She will be healed.

And she was...